Friday, 3 March 2017

GG species - Chidderin.

From what I've learnt about goats when researching for fauns, I managed to use some of this knowledge to develop yet another one of my concepts - the chidderin. They are based heavily on mountain goats, squirrels and even have traits from geckos and spiders. They are intended to be some of the best climbers in the world and live on sheer cliff faces, often seen running up and down the vertical surface without any issues. Their feet are more unguligrade, though they have three toes like a tapir. Their long tail fur is tipped with millions of tiny hooks which can be used for extra grip, or the tail can be used to protect them from predators since predators cannot bite the tail as they risk getting the hairs caught in their throat and consequently choking. Chidderin don't make a lot of noise, only a soft cooing when danger is close which can sound a little like soft sobbing to a human. Their eyes have a horizontally slit pupil like most unguligrades and therefore they tend to see more into the blue side of the colour spectrum. If they fall off the cliff, their tail can be puffed out to form a sort-of rudimentary parachute or it can curl around the chidderin to brace them for the coming impact.

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