Monday, 20 March 2017

Proko studies.

I have been taking online anatomy courses by Stan Prokopenko (AKA, Proko) for some time now. Here are some of the figure studies that I have done from his course.
Recently, I feel that my understanding of anatomy is much stronger than it used to be. I can draw a basic skeleton from memory and a basic musculature of the upper body (though I am still having trouble remembering all of the leg muscles and may need further practise in this field). Drawing more complex poses is starting to become less of an issue, though I always find it easier to draw from reference.
I also finished reading through “How To Render: The Fundamentals of Light, Shadow and Reflectivity” and have gained a deeper understanding of how to do efficient rendering of shadows. As a quick little activity, I did some colour-picking on skin tone to study the values and the variations of colour in different areas. What I found was quite interesting considering that the palest areas of skin are near-white and the darkest areas in the occlusion shadows are almost black. This wide range of values gives the figure a great deal of depth.

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