Friday, 17 February 2017

Further notes on GG universe magic and creatures.

I've been having a think about the inner workings of the GG universe and have started to come up with some interesting and simple concepts. These are my thoughts so far relating to how magic works and how to heighten the stakes of it being used, plus the risks/benefits it brings.
  1. Forest magic is a dead giveaway. Forest magic produces a sound that is invisible to most humans, though animals with more sensitive hearing can easily pick it up. Being in a hidden form, even if you cannot be detected by scent or sight, is like blowing an air horn. The good news is that most hidden ones are just hiding from humans so they're happy to take that risk since they usually don't have other natural predators.
  2. Most creatures cannot ingest it. The majority of creatures, even 'fantasy' creatures' can only contain a certain amount of inherent forest magic within themselves. Overusing it can completely destroy their form. Oddly, humans are some of the best adapted creatures for using forest magic, as are cervichauns. A human who ingests too much forest magic is at risk of transforming into something other than a human permanently...
  3. Forest creatures can get stuck in the wrong form. Sometimes, if a forest creature remains in a hidden form for too long, like trying to blend in with the landscape, it may die from starvation, dehydration or its magic quota may run out. This is how unicorns went extinct after they remained as trees for too long.
  4. Magic relies on your level of consciousness. Humans in GG are the most aware creatures of them all, even more so than cervichauns. Humans in GG can reach IQs unheard of in our world. Dragons and other creatures are extremely intelligent, but there are 9 year old humans who can create feats of science which puts dragon intelligence to shame.
  5. Humans now tend to use mechanical magic, sometimes leaking parts of their soul into machines by accident. Mechanical magic seems to be getting a little bit out of control and it is killing forest magic.

Potential groups of species.
  1. Natural earthly species. - These include rabbits, elephants and all other animals we know in the real world. They do not rely on magic to adapt and are fairly hardy all things considered even if they cannot transform. More intelligent species, like humans and dolphins, are capable of using the magic, though humans have forgotten about it entirely and dolphins usually know better. If the magic dies, these creatures will not be affected. Unfortunately humans became far too affiliated with mechanical magic over the years and are now extremely dependant on it.
  2. Species evolved by magic. - These include dragons, faeries and other fantasy creatures that can reproduce naturally. These creatures are built partly on logic and partly on magic. They might seem advanced, but they rely on forest magic a great deal which is a problem since magic is dwindling. Most now flock to magic "hotspots" so that they can continue to live. They can control magic, but not a great deal compared to an artificial species, usually only being able to conjure one hidden form for themselves.
  3. Species born from magic (unnatural species). These species are extremely powerful, but cannot reproduce. Cervichauns and the blood dragon are the two most commonly known types. Too many of these kinds of species means a massive drain on the forest magic supply and therefore they are kept limited in this world. Too many would cause a collapse in the ecosystem.
  4. Auroras - The most powerful species of them all. Really the auroraphrax is the only known aurora species. They are thought to be the ones who brought magic to the world in the first place and it is because of their deaths that the magic is dying. The more of these creatures there are, the more magic there would be in the world, but every other greedy creature has tried to capture and kill auroraphraxes to gain their magic. As a result, there is only one auroraphrax left.
This is a comprehensive list of GG species I have so far;

Phraxai dragons.

Lunarphrax (highland hopping dragon)

Solarphrax (sun dragon, salsa dragon)

Mollaserphrax (honey dragon)

musaphrax (banana dragon)

combaphrax (beach dragon)

Auroraphrax (northern lights dragon)

Sonicaphrax (Jet dragon)

Forest beasts.






Bulbous-nosed heeker


















Japanese fighting squirrels

gut-guzzling gut-ripper





Whistling unicorn


Bolivian battering bird


Vykurian nightshriek.

Humanoid beasts.



Stigs and glaistigs


Clover people

Mushroom men

Moss men

Hobbler trolls





Peruvian thundersnatch



Gatekeeper serpent.


angel spider


Sea fury

Book-keeper serpents

There is also a list of species I am purposely omitting from the GG universe as I feel they don't have as much creative potential or I feel like they have been overused. These include;

Zombies (and all other undead species)
Demons and angels
Harpies and banshees
And so on...

Technically, giants and dwarves would exist in GG, but as actual humans rather than another race.

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